Board for Academic Discipline
This board hears the cases involving violations of the College's Academic Honesty Policy, and consists of seven faculty members chosen from the Faculty Grievance Committee and the Academic Procedures Committee and seven students chosen from the Student Affairs Committee, the Academic Affairs Commissioner, and the Judiciary Council. For more details see Academic Honesty Policy in the handbook.
Ad Hoc Committee on Social Responsibility
The Committee started about 20 years ago, when there was great concern regarding corporations doing business in South Africa. That, of course, is no longer its focus; rather, the committee now focuses on a variety of social issues associated with the environment, human and animal rights, working conditions in underdeveloped countries, affirmative action, etc. The issues are very diverse. The Committee is made up of three faculty, three students, and two staff members. It advises the President on how the College should vote the proxies it receives (as a shareholder in various corporations) that contain social issues. By voting on proxies, the owners of corporations express their opinion on issues facing the corporation. ÑÇÖÞAV is a stock owner in several corporations in which its endowment is invested.
Admissions/Financial Aid Committee
Two seniors, one man and one woman, are appointed to the Admissions/Financial Aid Committee. The student members are full members of the Committee and assist the Dean of Admissions in selecting entering freshmen and transfer students, in overseeing general and specific guidelines for admission, and in reading certain admission applications. The Committee also discusses financial aid problems and provides input to the Director. Members of the Admissions/Financial Aid Committee are the Dean of Admissions, faculty representatives, one faculty chair, and two students. The Dean of Students and the Director of Financial Aid sit on the Committee as non-voting, ex-officio members.
Alumni Association Committees
The Alumni Board, the governing body of the Alumni Association, has several committees that are involved in a variety of cooperative activities with students. They are the Alumni Weekend Committee, the Career Development Committee, and the Alumni Fund Committee. The Alumni Weekend Volunteer Committee helps plan and staff Alumni Weekend. The Career Development Committee mobilizes resources that will aid students and alumni, such as the Alumni Career Advisor Program and on-campus, student-alumni career conferences. The Alumni Fund Committee plans fund-raising events such as "ÑÇÖÞAVthons" and encourages support from the alumni community. Students who contact the Alumni Office will be placed on committees according to their interests. The Alumni Association is always looking for creative people, and students are welcome to sign up at any time.
Academic Procedures Committee
The members of this committee include three faculty members, the Dean of Students, two students, and the Registrar. The main function of the Academic Procedures Committee is to consider student petitions for exceptions to the Academic Regulations adopted by the faculty. The primary criterion justifying exceptions is the presence of circumstances beyond the student's control. Petition forms may be obtained in the Registrar's Office. A petition requires the signature of the student's advisor and, where the matter concerns them, of the instructor in a course as well as germane corroborating materials. Comments from those signing the petition are encouraged. Faculty members are invited to comment on the petition forms or in separate memos. The Dean of Students or the Academic Affairs Commissioner will be glad to talk to students who are considering filing petitions.
Examples of the kinds of requests which are handled by the Academic Procedures Committee are:
- Course overloads
- Cross registration variances
- General education requirement variances
- Registration changes after deadlines
- Incomplete grades
- Final exam time changes.
The Committee approaches its deliberations with an assumption that the Faculty's academic rules and regulations should normally be followed. When considering exceptions, the Committee attempts to be both "consistent" (i.e., to apply uniform standards) and "flexible" (i.e., to give personal attention and respond to individual circumstances). Petitions should include all relevant information clearly and concisely described. The Committee cannot fill in missing information; it is the student's responsibility to present the case fully. Arguments which amount to a fundamental disagreement with a regulation should be avoided.
The Committee is charged by the Faculty only with making exceptions to regulations when such exceptions are justified by the individual circumstances. Normally, petitions must be submitted 48 hours in advance of a Committee meeting. Results of the Committee's action are sent by the Registrar to the student via e-mail. Until notification of the committee's decision is received, a student should take no action affecting his or her status in a course. Any student who has questions about a petition is invited to discuss these questions with the Dean of Students. The Dean is prepared to advise a student before his or her petition is submitted, or to provide further explanation of the Committee's action or of other options available to the student after a petition has been denied. Other members of the Committee, including the student members, are also available for consultation.
ASPC Budget Committee
Budget Committee This committee is chaired by the Vice President and consists of the President, the North Campus Representative, and the South Campus Representative. The Associate Director of the Smith Campus Center serves as Financial Advisor to the Senate and is a non-voting member of the Budget Committee. When elections precede annual budget hearings, the President-elect and the Vice President-elect are also non-voting members of this committee. The Committee distributes allocations from the ASPC fees to clubs and organizations. During the academic year, requests for more than $1,000, or requests where there is a tie vote in this committee are brought before the Senate with a specific recommendation or set of recommendations. During the second semester of every year, this committee recommends to the Senate a general budget for ASPC for the following year. The Senate ratifies the annual budget no later than May first.
Committee for Campus Life and Activities, CCLA
CCLA is the programming board of ÑÇÖÞAV. Chaired by the Campus Events commissioner, CCLA is responsible for providing social, cultural and co-curricular activities for the ÑÇÖÞAV community. Subcommittees of CCLA are based on the types of events presented. Subcommittees for the 2006-2007 year are: Annual Events (responsible for SYR, Harwood Halloween, the Winter Dance, Smiley 80's, and the Spring Formal), Special Events ("The OC" Screenings, Craft Days, etc.), Themed Parties, Films, Live Arts (concerts, spoken word, etc.), Table Manners, and Off-Campus Events (trips to LA, Sports Events, etc.). Students interested in organizing events and contributing to the social life of this campus should contact the Campus Events Commissioner through the ASPC Office.
Community Affairs Committee
This committee is chaired by the Community Affairs Commissioner and consists of the North Campus Representative, the South Campus Representative, and five at-large students to be appointed by the Senate in the Fall. The Community Affairs Committee coordinates volunteer programs, works with the volunteer center, and brings speakers to campus for the purpose of heightening community awareness. Each committee member has a specific project.
Coop Committee
The Coop Committee is chaired by the Vice President and consists of two additional members of the Senate and the general manager of the Fountain and Store. The Campus Center Director is a non-voting member of this committee. The Committee facilitates communication between and among the businesses and the Senate and sets policy for the businesses. This committee meets monthly throughout the school year, with additional meetings arranged and convened by the Chair as necessary.
Environmental Quality Committee
This committee is chaired by the Environmental Affairs Commissioner or by a Senate-approved designate thereof. It consists of a representative from the Recycling Action Committee plus four at-large students to be appointed by the Senate in the Spring, and additional students who may be appointed by the Senate in the Fall at the discretion of the chair. This committee manages a recycling program and other environmental projects which it or the Senate deems important. Additionally, this committee informs the Senate how their projects, funding, and legislation might affect the environment.
Food Committee
This Committee is convened by the South Campus Senator. It consists of representatives from each residence hall, the Director of Dining Services and the Deans or Associate Dean of Students. The Food Committee meets bi-weekly to discuss the dining halls and make recommendations for changes to the College's dining program.
Student-Faculty Interaction Committee
This committee is chaired by the Academic Affairs Commissioner who may choose to invite a faculty member to serve as its general advisor. The Senate appoints the at-large members of this committee in the spring, and may appoint additional members in the fall at the discretion of the Academic Affairs Commissioner. This committee plans, promotes, and funds activities which encourage interaction between students and faculty.
Anyone planning a party or any sort of social event with student-faculty interaction can request funds from the Committee. Academic matters may be included in these events, but they are not necessary. The committee is overseen by the Academic Affairs Committee of the ASPC Senate. Contact the ASPC Office for information.
Student Media Committee
This committee shall oversee staff appointments, approve policy and budgets, and serve as a steering body for all ASPC-funded media. Specifically, this committee shall recommend appointment for Senate approval for the following positions: The Student Life Editor-in-Chief (semester); KSPC Program Manager and Music Manager (annual); the Digital Media and Programming Group Lead Developer (annual); POSA Director (annual).
Curriculum Committee
The Committee consists of the Vice President and Dean of the College and one Associate Dean of the College, six faculty members, the Registrar, and three students. The curriculum of the College is the responsibility of the faculty as a whole, but the faculty has delegated to the Curriculum Committee three particular tasks. The Committee is responsible for the general oversight of academic policy and long-range planning. It shares responsibility with the departments and the divisions to review general education requirements, to see ways and means for the improvement of the general education offered by the College, and to recommend changes in the general education curriculum to the faculty. The Curriculum Committee is also charged with the responsibility for evaluating new courses, proposals for new majors and other curricular changes and making recommendations thereon to the faculty.
Orientation/Book Selection Committee
The Orientation Committee plans and implements new student orientation events and selects the first-year book under the direction of the Dean of Students, Coordinator of the Critical Inquiry Seminar Program, and faculty members. Three students serve on this committee.
Public Events Committee
This committee funds and organizes some of ÑÇÖÞAV's most significant public events. Committee members include faculty representatives, students, the Director of Music Programming, the Director of the ÑÇÖÞAV Museum of Art, the Director of Public Affairs, the Director of the Smith Campus Center, and the Dean of Students. Four students serve on this committee.
Residence Hall Committee
The Residence Hall Committee is convened by the North Campus Senator. Its membership includes a representative from each of the residence halls, the Housing Director and the Dean or Associate Dean of Students. The Residence Hall Committee meets regularly to discuss room draw procedures and to recommend improvements. In addition, this committee decides on the numbers and location of friendship suites and substance free housing.
Student Affairs Committee
The Student Affairs Committee is charged with making policy to govern student life at ÑÇÖÞAV. It makes changes to the Student Judicial Code as needed and writes and revises other college policies including those dealing with drugs, alcohol, academic honesty, among others in the area of student affairs. The membership consists of a faculty chair, the Dean of Students, the Dean of Campus Life, 2 faculty members, and 5 student representatives drawn from the ASPC Senate.
Study Abroad Committee
This committee determines policies regarding education abroad and acts on student applications for study abroad. Members include the Director of Study Abroad, the Dean or Associate Dean of Students, the Registrar, the Director of the Oldenborg Center, faculty members, and two students. The two student members of the Committee should have studied abroad and be interested in international studies, International Relations, and/or languages.
Women's Commission
The Women's Commission is comprised of faculty members, administrators and students who are interested in improving the quality and character of women's lives within the Claremont community. The Commission sponsors the annual Phebe Estelle Spalding lecture, meets with prospective women faculty members, and administers the President's Prize in Women's Studies among its various responsibilities.