Each spring semester, rising students participate in the annual Housing Selection process where returning students choose their rooms, roommates, and suitemates. Housing is an important component of the ÑÇÖÞAV experience, as such, ÑÇÖÞAV Housing and Residence Life (HRL) is seeking to provide as much information as possible to assist students. Please read below regarding the 2024-2025 timeline, changes, and processes. Should you have any additional questions, please contact housing@pomona.edu or at 909-607-2239.
General Housing Selection Information
What's New for Fall 2025 Selection
Housing Accommodation Changes
- Students with Single Room Housing Accommodations can go through a Single Room Accommodation Mini-Selection. Please review more below.
- The AC Housing Accommodation is met via buildings with Central AC (Mudd-Blaisdell, Gibson, Oldenborg, Sontag, Dialynas) OR by a ÑÇÖÞAV-owned AC unit.
- These students can go through the General Housing Selection process to select their housing.
- HRL, ARS, and Facilities will coordinate room prep before move-in, as relevent.
Housing Selection Terms
- Suite – rooms that share either 1) an initial entry or 2) a common room will be grouped together.
- Housing Assignment - the location that a student resides.
- Housing Selection – the process when a student is provided an Individual Selection Time and chooses their housing assignment.
- Housing Placement – the process when ÑÇÖÞAV will place a student in a housing assignment before or after selection. No Individual Selection Time provided.
- Individual Selection Time - Students participating in Housing Selection each get their own selection time. Students placed before selection will not receive an individual time.
- Group Selection Time - The time that the group leader will select. The earliest individual time of the (current) group. May change if the group changes.
- 'Rising' Classes - Class designation referring to the upcoming Fall. ex/ a current sophomore in Spring '23 will be referred to as a 'rising junior'.
Info Sessions and Timeline
Informational Sessions (Zoom info on Residence and Engage)
- Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 12:00pm noon
- Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 12:00pm noon
- Monday, March 10, 2025 @ 12:00pm noon
- Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 12:00pm noon
- Friday, March 14, 2025 @ 12:00pm noon
- Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 12:00pm noon
- Thursday, March 27, 2025 @ 12:00pm noon
General Housing Selection Timeline
- Housing Application Opens: Monday, March 1, 2025
- Application Due: Friday, March 28, 2025
- Group Creation Opens: Monday, March 31, 2025
- Pre-Selection Processes all resolved: Thursday, April 3, 2025
- Room Search Opens & Selection Times Provided: (after all pre-selection processes are finalized) Friday April 4, 2025
- Selection Dates
- Rising Senior times: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 starting at 5:00 pm.
- Rising Junior times: Wednesday, April 9, 2025 starting at 5:00 pm.
- Rising Sophomore times: Thursday, April 10, 2025 starting at 5:00 pm.
Steps: Apply, Group & Search, Select
Step 1: Apply
- Everyone living on campus for Fall 2025 must complete a Housing Application on Residence.
- Fall Study Abroad students do not complete a Housing Application (will complete before Spring return.
- Off Campus do not complete a Housing Application, but do complete the Off Campus application.
- Location: The 2025-2026 Housing Application can be found on the home page of Residence (button above).
- Housing Application Content
- Housing Agreement - policies and stipulations related to living on campus.
- Matching Profile - information used by HRL when searching for room changes. This information can be updated at any point in Residence.
- NOT meal plans - ÑÇÖÞAV utilizes a "Off Campus Meal Plan" or the 'Ultimate Meal Plan'. No Meal Plan selection is needed.
Pre-Selection Processes
- The following processes result in students securing their housing assignments before the majority of campus participates in the Housing Selection process. Read more for policies and timelines for each pre-selection process below. Students housed will NOT receive Individual Selection Times or participate in the Group, Search, Select steps.
- Off Campus
- Study Abroad/Away
- HRL RAs, RA Suitemates, and Sponsors
- Oldenborg Language Hall Selection
- Fall Leaves of Absence
- Housing Accommodations
Step 2: Groups
- Students seeking to live in shared spaces (more than 1 occupancy per room, suites) must create groups in Residence.
- Students may send group invites using their Roommate Code (located in Residence).
- Only students participating in Selection can be in groups. Students with placements will lock up groups. Email housing@pomona.edu to unlock.
- Group size must exactly match the number of beds in a shared space. For example, a Sontag suite of 4 beds will only be selectable by a group of 4 students. These spaces will be marked in Blue text.
- Non-suite Single rooms (ex/Norton) only need a 'group' of 1 (no group) needed.
- Group Leaders are the only group member that selects the final spaces during Selection. Residence will default the group member with the best individual time, but the Group Leader can be changed independently of individual selection time.
Step 3: Search Rooms and Select
- Once all pre-selection processes are over, students going through Housing Selection will be assigned their own Individual Selection Time.
- Individual Selection times
- Each student will receive their own Individual Selection Time.
- For groups, ONLY the earliest Individual Selection Time is relevant. This becomes the Group Selection Time (when the Group Leader selects).
- Priority: Individual Selection times will be provided by 1) class and 2) random within each class. Classes will be defined with the following Expected Graduation Terms:
- Rising Seniors – Fall 25, Spring 26
- Rising Juniors – Fall 26, Spring 27
- Rising Sophomores – Fall 27, Spring 28
- Students may review their Expected Graduate Term on Residence. Please follow up with the Office of the Registrar for additional inquiries regarding Expected Graduate Term.
- There will be about 4 students every three minutes, starting at 5:00pm each selection date.
- There will be a 15 minute administrative break every hour. (5:00 - 6:00pm, 6:15 - 7:15pm, 7:30 - 8:30pm etc.)
- Selection Dates and Times
- Senior Selection – April 8, 2025, Starting at 5:00pm (Rising Seniors can group with Rising Juniors and Rising Sophomores)
- Junior Selection – April 9, 2025, Starting at 5:00pm (Remaining Rising Juniors can group with Rising Sophomores)
- Sophomore Selection – April 10, 2024, Starting at 5:00pm (All remaining Rising Sophomores)
- Searching Rooms
- All group members can view rooms that will be available for selection.
- # of bed spaces that match the group # will be BLUE.
- The Group Leader will select the space for the group.
- Review housing tags
- Classed based housing
- In coordination with ASPC, the following buildings will be class-restricted.
- Sontag and Dialynas Halls - Seniors and Juniors only.
- Harwood - Sophomore priority - Harwood spaces will be provided on Sophomore selection day, not visibule during the Junior and Senior selection days.
- Wig, Mudd, Blaisdell, Lyon - First year priority – Returning students that select into First Year halls may be administratively moved throughout the summer to best support the incoming class' housing needs. First Year students may only live in First Year halls.
- In coordination with ASPC, the following buildings will be class-restricted.
Winter Break Housing - Walker Hall and Smiley Halls
- Classed based housing
Residence Halls, Room Types and Programming
Returning Student halls
Sontag and Dialynas
- Common Room Suites with 4 single rooms (Groups of 4)
- Common Room Suites with 6 single rooms (Groups of 6)
- Rising Juniors and Seniors only
Clark I
- Suites with 2 single rooms (Single-single-bath layout) (Group of 2)
- Common Room Suites with 2 double rooms and 1 single room (Group of 5)
- Triple Rooms (Group of 3)
Clark III
- Non-Suited Single Rooms (No Group needed)
- Double Rooms (Group of 2)
Clark V
- Shared Door Suite with 2 single rooms (Group of 2)
- Shared Door Suite Single rooms with 3 single rooms (Group of 3)
- Shared Door Suite Single room with 4 single rooms (Group of 4)
- Non-Suited Single rooms (No Group needed)
- Common Room suites with 8 single rooms (Group of 8)
- Winter Break Housing: may be asked to host an approved Winter Break Stay student during winter break. Students that know they will participate in Winter Break Stay housing are recommended to select this hall.
- Non-Suited Single rooms (No Group needed)
- Suites with 2 single rooms (Single-single-bath layout) (Group of 2)
- Suites with 3 single rooms (Single-single-bath-single layout) (Group of 3)
- New Transfer Housing Hall
- Winter Break Housing: may be asked to host an approved Winter Break Stay student during winter break. Students that know they will participate in Winter Break Stay housing are recommended to select this hall.
- Single Rooms (No Group needed)
- Double rooms, common bathrooms (Group of 2)
- Single rooms, common bathrooms (No Group needed)
- Sophomore Priority Housing (will be removed from view until after Junior Selection day)
- Single room (communal bathroom)
- Double room (communal bathroom)
- Applications coordinated by Oldenborg Language Center. Suites of 2 or 4 (Friendship suites).
- Beds in suites of 2 can optionally be chosen by non-group single students.
First Year Priority Halls
- Some rooms will be available for returning students, as needed. Rooms chosen may be moved during the summer due to first year programming needs or sponsor group placement.
- Single rooms (communal bathrooms)
- Double room (communal bathrooms)
- Triple room (communal bathrooms)
- Double room (communal bathroom)
- Single room (communal bathroom)
- Double rooms (communal bathrooms)
Spring Housing Process (November)
Who participates in Spring Housing?
- Return From Leave - Reviewed and communicated to HRL by the Dean of Students Office.
- Return From Study Abroad - Reviewed and communicated to HRL by International & Domestic Programs
Complete the Spring Housing Application
- All Spring returning students must complete a Spring Housing Application. Housing and Residence Life will contact students with a Spring Housing Application in November, to be completed via Residence.
Suite Pull-in Process
- HRL will collect which students are not expected to be on campus for the Spring (known Spring leaves of absence, Spring Study Abroad, Fall Graduates, etc.). These openings represent a Spring open bed.
- Fall suites and double/triple residents with known Spring open beds will be notified by HRL and will be able to 'pull' Spring-returning students into a Spring open bed space.
- Non-suited single room residents will not be able to 'give' or 'hold' their rooms away to other students.
- Since Spring housing is coordinated in November, there are no formal 'holds' on Spring rooms during a Fall Housing Selection process (coordinated February – April), but informal planning for suites is suggested.
Spring Accommodations, Selection, and Assignments
- Students returning to campus in Spring with approved Housing Accommodations will be administratively assigned a qualifying space IF 1) they are not pulled-in to an existing suite and 2) there are qualifying spaces available.
- Any Spring returning students without a housing assignment will be administratively assigned or participate in a small housing selection (Apply, Group & Search, Select).
Pre-Selection Processes
Off Campus
Application and Approval Required
- Third and fourth-year students who wish to live off-campus must submit an off-campus housing application AND receive written approval from the Office of Housing and Residence Life (HRL).
- No student should sign an off-campus lease before receiving written approval.
Off Campus Application
- Off Campus Applications will be provided via Residence.
- Off Campus Applications will only be approved for a full academic year (Fall and Spring semesters). Spring-only requests will not provided an application in the Fall.
- The number of Off Campus approvals is dependent on occupancy needs of the college and will vary from year to year. Once the number of approvals has been met, additional approvals will only be extended only as needed by the college.
Off Campus Approval Qualifications
- Automatic Approval will be provided to the following groups of applicants:
- Students aged 24 or older at the start of Fall classes.
- Students who are legally married.
- Students with children.
- Other than these groups, ALL first-year and second-year students are assumed to live in campus housing.
- Afterwards, as space requires, priority will be provided to the following groups of applicants. If applications exceeds availability, an individual randomized lottery will be used for the last qualifying group.
- Previously approved Off-Campus students (must apply annually).
- Rising Senior applicants
- Rising Junior applicants
Once Approved
- Please note that those approved will be required to confirm their off campus address and contact information with ÑÇÖÞAV. HRL will initiate this process at the beginning of each academic year.
- Please be aware that your Off Campus status may effect your financial aid package and communication with the Office of Financial Aid is highly recommended before applying. Financial Aid does not offer approvals for Off Campus Housing.
- Should a student need to rescind an approved off-campus status, please contact housing@pomona.edu. Off Campus approval is for Fall AND Spring Semesters (not one semester only). The date in which this occurs will result in the following processes:
- Before April 1st – Students will be provided a Housing Selection application and can participate in Fall Housing Selection process.
- After April 1st – Students will be placed on a housing waitlist and administratively placed as qualifying spaces open throughout the summer.
- Off-Campus students will not be provided door access to campus residence halls other than Walker Loung (Health Vending Machine, Vending, free room, etc.)
- Off-Campus students are ineligible for winter break housing.
- Off Campus students must be on the Off Campus Meal Plan.
- Students approved and living off-campus must re-apply annually.
- Application Opens: Friday, February 28, 2025
- Application Due: Monday after Spring Break: March 24, 2025
- Initial Approvals: After application close, rolling as needed.
Study Abroad and Housing Planning
Students seeking to study abroad/away must apply through the International & Domestic Programs office to be approved. The IDP Office will notify Housing and Residence Life of approved students.
Fall Study Abroad
- Students approved for Fall Study Abroad do not participate in Fall Housing Selection, they do not complete Fall Housing Applications and are not provided selection times. Fall Study Abroad Students will be provided directions in November to complete (see 'Spring Housing Process' tab).
- Should a student rescind their Study Abroad plans, they must do so in writing at housing@pomona.edu AND the International and Domestic Programs Office. The date in which students do this will result in the following Housing Selection processes:
- Before April 1st - Students will be provided a Fall Housing Application and can participate in Housing Selection.
- After April 1st - Students will be placed on a housing waitlist and administratively placed when space opens throughout the summer.
Spring Study Abroad
- Students planning on Spring Study Abroad will still participate in the Fall Housing Selection (Apply, Group & Search, Select) for their Fall housing.
- Students must move all personal items out of their room at Fall Closing, no semester storage is offered by ÑÇÖÞAV. Please see the Fall Closing website for more information.
- Spring Study Abroad students must be mindful that Housing Selection for the following year takes place in February - April.
Full Year Study Abroad - Rising Juniors approved for full year abroad must be mindful that Housing Selection for the following year takes place in February - April.
Housing Accommodation Placements
Continuing Students with Approved Housing Accommodations
- Students with previously approved Housing Accommodations do not need to reapply.
- Inquiries regarding existing accommodations can be made to disability@pomona.edu.
Apply for New Housing Accommodations
- Students seeking new housing accommodations due to a disability must apply via the Housing Accommodations procedure, facilitated and reviewed by the Accessibility Resources and Services (ARS) office.
- HRL does not review medical documentation.
New Housing Accommodations after the priority application date.
- Students will participate through the Group, Search, Select steps of the General Housing Selection Process. When new Housing Accommodations are approved after the priority deadline, those accommodations are waitlisted, with qualifying spaces offered by HRL as they become available (typically throughout the summer).
Multiple Housing Accommodations: Placement Offers
- Students with multiple unique housing accommodations will receive a room offer that best meets their designated needs via HRL.
- Students may choose to decline this offer and go through Single Room Mini-Selection or the General Housing Selection process.
Single Room Accommodations: Single Room Mini-Selection
- For students with single room accommodations.
- Students will receive a selection time and be able to choose individual single rooms (non-suite) or create a group of 2 to select a suite of 2 single rooms.
- Selection times will follow the same rules as General Housing Selection (class based, best time in a group, etc.)
- This selection (and grouping) will only be for students with approved single room housing accomodations.
Accommodations follow the student: General Housing Selection
- Some Accommodations can be met regardless of building/room type.
- These can include Housing Accommodations for Emotional Support Animals, Air Conditioning (see below), personal devices and furniture, sensory equipent, etc.
- The AC Housing Accommodation is met via buildings with Central AC (Mudd-Blaisdell, Gibson, Oldenborg, Sontag, Dialynas) OR by a ÑÇÖÞAV-owned AC unit.
- These students can go through the General Housing Selection process to select their housing.
- HRL, ARS, and Facilities will coordinate room prep before move-in, as relevent.
Rescinding Housing Accommodation offers.
- By declining your Housing Accommodation offer, Students will select their housing using the Housing Selection process. If the housing selection does not satisfy the approved accommodations, qualifying spaces may be offered as they become available throughout the summer.
Requesting a Room Assignment due to religious practice
- Housing and Residence Life does not assign single rooms as a function of religious practices. Please email housing@pomona.edu to request a room assignment due to religious practice.
- Accommodation Application Opens: Rolling
- Accommodation Application Due: Rolling. Placements provided for applications received by March 27, 2025.
- Rooms Placement Offers: Rolling through March 2025
- Rescind room offer deadline: April 4, 2025 at 12:00pm noon with Individual Selection Times provided April 4, 2025
Resident Advisors, RA Suitemates, Sponsor Placements
Resident Advisors (RAs) and Sponsors are assigned housing by the HRL staff in accordance to programmatic needs. RAs assigned to suite spaces may pull in their suitemates. Once assigned, RAs, RA Suitemates, and Sponsors do not participate in the Group, Search, Select phases of the Housing Selection Process.
- RAs Housing Assigned: February 27th - March 3, 2025.
- RAs Suitemates Confirmed: Friday March 14, 2025.
- Sponsor Housing Confirmed: Tuesday April 1, 2025.
Oldenborg Language Hall Selection
- Students seeking to live in Oldenborg as part of the Oldenborg Center for Modern Languages and International Relations must apply and be approved according to their Room Draw application process and timeline.
- Friendship Suites - Cross language groups of 4 students (chosen during the Oldenborg application process) will be administratively placed by the Oldenborg Center Staff.
- All residential students must also complete the Housing Application on Residence.
Group (optional)
- Oldenborg contains Suites of 2. Students will NOT NEED to make groups of 2 like in the general housing application process.
- No Group: An individual student may select their own bed space, even without a group member. They may be the first person in a 2 bed suite, or the second. If they are the second, students will see the first suitemate's name only during their selection time.
- Groups of 2: can select any available suites of 2 during their group selection time. All students in a group must be approved for the same language hall. If a suite of 2 isn't available at the time of a group's selection, students will be able to de-group and choose rooms individually.
- Oldenborg Waitlist students are not eligible to make a group. They will be offered available spaces at the end of the Language Selections.
- Once approved, students will be be provided a unique selection for their approved language hall in Residence.
- Individual Selection Times will be provided to each student and priority will be determined according to the Oldenborg Center (not class based, like the general selection).
- Follow the same Selection process as listed above.
- For students that do not select during their Selection Time, they will participate in the general Housing Selection process (see above).
- At the end of Language Hall Selections, Oldenborg waitlisted students will be provided available room offers.
- Oldenborg Application: See Oldenborg Room Draw Website
- Friendship Suites Assigned: Week of March 25, 2024.
- Oldenborg Individual Selection Times: Monday, April 1, 2024.
- Oldenborg Language Hall Selection: Thursday, April 4, 2024.
Residential Themed Communities
Lavender Gender and Sexuality Community
Partnership between Housing & Residence Life and the Queer Resource Center
- The Lavender Gender & Sexuality Theme Community provides a living and learning environment to raise awareness and engage students around topics of gender, sexual/romantic orientation, sexual health, and social justice. This community creates a supportive space that welcomes and celebrates every intersection of a student’s identity. 
- All students, regardless of identity or major, are invited to participate in the Residential Themed Community as topics of gender identity and sexual orientation are discussed in an inclusive, and supportive environment. 
Roaming Together: Outdoor Adventure Community
Partnership between Housing & Residence Life and the Outdoor Education Center
- The Outdoor Adventure Residential Theme Community provides a living and learning environment for students in a community to engage and explore interests in various outdoor topics including recreation and skill-building, local outdoor opportunities, fostering interest, and discussions surrounding environmental conservation, sustainability. 
- Outdoor Adventure allows students to explore various aspects of the outdoors at their own pace. All students, regardless of outdoor experience or major, are invited to participate in the Outdoor Themed Community.  
- Informational Session: Wednesday, February 21 @ 7PM in Rose Hills Theatre
- Applications Due: Sunday, March 3 @ 11:59pm.
- Housing Placements Confirmed: by Thursday, April 4
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to complete a housing application?
Everyone living in campus housing for the following Fall must complete the Housing Application in Residence.
Please note this includes Housing Accommodations, Residential Themed Communities, Oldenborg Language Halls, RAs, RA Suitemates, and Sponsors.
Only Fall Study Abroad, Spring Graduates, and planned Fall Leaves of Absences do not complete a Housing Application for the following Fall.
What Class am I considered?
Students may view the Expected Graduate Term on Residence by selecting the "My Account" tab. Any discrepencies should be emailed to the Office of the Registrar.
I am a Fall graduate, will I have an individual selection time before Spring graduates of the same year?
No, Fall and Spring graduates will be randomized within the same pool. For example, Fall 25 graduates and Spring 26 graduates will be considered the same year for Housing Selection purposes.
I am a rising junior, will I get a single?
It differs slightly each year, and HRL will work to provide status updates after the Senior Selection date, however, rising Juniors selecting later on the Junior selection date are recommended to make plans involving groups and prepare for the possibility of a double room.
Why can't I see Harwood?
Harwood will be prioritized as a Sophomore hall. As such, it will be hidden until after the Junior Selection concludes. Sophomores selecting bed spaces on Sophomore Selection night will be able to see and select Harwood.
Where will rising sophomores live?
A little bit of everywhere (except Sontag and Dialynas). Harwood Hall will be prioritized for Sophomores in the Selection process. Seniors and Juniors select first, and Seniors and Juniors can choose to group with Sophomores for most halls. As such, there are Sophomores that live in North Campus halls because they were pulled into a suite by a Senior or Junior with an earlier selection date/time. Sophomores also have the latest individual selection times, meaning Sophomores will fill all remaining spaces. As such, they tend to be spread out, (including halls that are primarily held for incoming first year students, but have extra space).
What additional resources will be offered?
Additional documents (maps, etc.) will be provided on the Residence home dashboard.
Can I have a housing accommodation and suite with my friends?
Housing Accommodations are primarily reviewed on an individual basis by Accessibility Resources and Services, and are placed on an individual basis by Housing and Residence Life. Please email disability@pomona.edu with questions regarding accommodations. Students wanting to live with friends go through the traditional Housing Selection process (Group, Search, Select).
I have a room assignment due to a housing accommodation and I was accepted into Oldenborg... what would be my individual selection time in the general housing selection process?
It is recommended to participate in only one pre-selection process.
Students participating in a pre-selection step (Off Campus, Accommodations Placements, Oldenborgs, etc.) will already have their housing confimed, so there is no need for them to continue into the general housing selection process. As such, they will not receive an inididual selection time.
ONLY if students change their mind and DENY that initial assignment, in writing to housing@pomona.edu, will they be provided an individual selection time in the general housing selection:
- If that denial happens before Individual Selection Times are provided to the campus (see timeline), they will be provided a time as normal.
- If that denial happens after Individual Selection Times are provided, but before selection starts, they will be provided a Individual Selection Time at the end/last time of their Class.
I know I need Winter Stay Housing, where should I live?
Smiley and Walker Halls are used for Winter Stay Housing, students expecting to need Winter Stay housing are encouraged to select Smiley or Walker Halls so no temporary moves will be required.
Housing Selection Data
Housing Selection depends on a variety of factors. Each year, students will select slightly differently. Feel free to review below for informed guessing!
Fall 2024 Housing Selection
Selection Days
- Senior Day: 342 Rising Seniors chose spaces, pulling 49 rising Juniors and 15 rising Sophomores as suitemates.
- Junior Day: 232 Rising Juniors chose spaces, pulling 11 rising Sophomores as suitemates and roommates.
Last Selection Times (Fall 2024)
Building | Last Suite | Last Non-Suite Single |
Sontag/Dialynas | Senior Day 5:06pm (suites of 6) Senior Day 5:33pm (suites of 4) | |
Lawry | Senior Day 8:24pm | |
Clark V | Senior Day 5:54pm (suites of 4) Junior Day 5:12pm (Suites of 3) Senior Day 6:33pm (Suites of 2) | |
Clark I | Junior Day 8:27pm | |
Clark III | Junior Day 8:06pm | Senior Day 9:53pm |
Walker | Junior Day 7:12pm | Junior Day 5:24pm |
Norton | Junior Day 5:57pm | |
Smiley | Junior Day 8:24pm | |
Harwood | Soph Day 5:45pm (Suites) Soph Day 6:42pm (Doubles) | Soph Day 6:51pm |
Fall 2023 Housing Selection
Class Makeup per hall
Senior | Junior | Sophomore | First Year | |
Dialynas | 94% | 6% | ||
Sontag | 88% | 12% | ||
Lawry | 32% | 56% | 11% | |
Clark I | 31% | 56% | 11% | |
Clark III | 64% | 34% | ||
Clark V | 83% | 15% | ||
Norton | 28% | 69% | ||
Walker | 18% | 76% | 6% | |
Smiley | 2% | 53% | 17% | 28%* |
Last Selection Times (Fall 2023)
Building | Last Suite/Double/Triple | Last Non-Suite Single |
Sontag | Senior Day 5:21pm | |
Dialynas | Senior Day 5:25pm | |
Lawry | Senior Day 6:36pm | |
Clark V | Junior Day 5:12pm | |
Clark I | Junior Day 6:30pm | |
Clark III | Junior Day 8:27pm | Senior Day 9:45pm |
Walker | Junior Day 7:06pm | Junior Day 5:48pm |
Norton | Junior Day 5:33pm | |
Smiley | Junior Day 7:03pm |