
Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Julia Crouch “Social construct or biomedical tool?: Understanding race in the genomic age of biomedicine” Pursued Master's in Public Health at the University of Washington
David Fingerote
The contemporary history of Black-Jewish relations  
Aaron Gilbert National Innovation Policy in Jamaica Traveling
Chelsea Heller A screenplay involving environmental concerns and ecological design concepts Has worked in telecommunications industry.
Alex Mondau The use of forensic evidence in the legal system Attended University of Washington School of Law
Rebecca Bock
Lewis Farmer
Darren McKay
Eric Norwood
Hilary Papendick
Ecotourism and sustainable development in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador Pursuing graduate degree in environmental studies.


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Colleen Chrisco “This is My Decision: Sources of Information for Prenatal Eugenic Practices”  
Jessica Cobb “Testing for Science Literacy: Assessing the Impact of High-Stakes Testing Culture on Science Literacy” Intends to move to San Francisco, where she wants to pursue a degree in education or in law and to work with low-income youth.
Marcie Holmes “The Early Years of the Statistical Society of London: The State of Science and the Science of State” Plans to apply to graduate school.
Andrea McKay “The Preservation of Agricultural Biodiversity: The Roles of Botanical Gardens, Seed Banks, Commercial Companies, and Small-Scale Farmers” Studied sea turtles in Guatemala and has worked for PIRG (Public Interest Research Group).
Chad Naso “The Role of Medicine in Social Control, Or, Sex, Drugs and Children: So Wrong, Yet So Right?” Plans to apply to graduate school in public policy. He wishes eventually to go into politics.
Christina Richards(Scripps) “Science in the Modern Media: Three Case Studies” Will obtain an emergency teaching credential and eventually wishes to pursue an MA in education in order to become a biology teacher.
Lucia Schmit “Temelin Nuclear Power Plant: An Exploration of Cross-Cultural Dynamics in International Technological Debates” Plans to apply to graduate school in International Relations.
Molly Cox(Pitzer) No thesis.  


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Jacqueline Cole “Health in Botswana: How a superstar country heals its people.” (readers: Brian Keeley (PI), Sharon Snowiss (PI)) Wants to go into teaching and perhaps return to Botswana.
Neel Garlapati “Missing Vertebrae: Housing Silicon Valley's Working and Middle Class Backbone.” (readers: Rick Worthington (PO), Trevor Campbell (PO))  
Aaron Ginoza “The ideological and organizational formation of U.S. science and the evolution of social responsibility in American science.” (readers: Rick Worthington, Brian Keeley) Worked in media production then pursued master's degree in communications arts at Johns Hopkins University
Kimm Groshong “The Noisy Response to Silent Spring: Placing Rachel Carson's Work in Context.” (readers: Pamela Smith, Michael Black (HMC))This thesis won the STS Prize. MA in Science Journalism from Boston University.
Alexandra C.L. Latta(Scripps) “Fruits of Labor: Political Interests, Mexican Migrants, and Technology in the Growth of California Agribusiness.” (readers: Andy Zanella (SCR), Rudi Volti (PI)) Intends to go to graduate school, but taking a year off first.
Adam Larner “Sustainable Ecotourism: Bringing Ecology, Economics, and Politics together in the United States.” (readers: Jonathan Wright (PO), Jack Sullivan (PI)) Received a fellowship to study biology at James Cooke University.
Janne Olson “Participation in Science and Technology: Museums, Science Shops and Art.” (readers: Rick Worthington (PO), Susan Rankaitis (SCR) Has worked in nonprofit sector on racial equality, youth development, and employment development; and in pharmaceutical industry developing software for business process improvements. Has returned to school for master's in public policy aiming to work in environment-human rights policy arena.
Courtney Chavez(STS and Public Policy Analysis Major) Courtney did her internship at the Community Prisoner Mother Program in AV, and wrote her thesis on “Assessing the Community Prisoner Mother Program: the Significance of the Mother-Child Bond.”  


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Sabrina Ling “Idle Hands-Biotechnology's Tools?” Examination of the automation and commercialization of biological research; new institutional developments that seek to capitalize on these trends (with a case study of KGI that included interviews with students, faculty and the Chief Academic Officer); and the “consumerization” of biotechnology, i.e., the process by which the public slowly accepts biotech products as a normal part of their lives. Works at Capital Group, an investment company with strong linkages to Claremont and interests in the biotech industry. Member of AV Board of Trustees.
Jeaneen Chapman “Technology and Sexual Dysfunction.” Research assistant at McGlen Medical
Elizabeth Allen “Women and the World Wide Web.” Exploration of the claim that Internet technology would be different from most other major technological projects in that it would be inclusive rather than exclusive and democratizing. Works as a digital production artist and uses digital tools to create projects for clients
Tad De Wald “The Future of Health Care.” Examination of the changes in the organization and finance of health care since World War II.  


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Katherine Finger “In Trust for Humankind: Insights from the Bernard Field Station Controversy.” A discussion of the history of the land now used for the Bernard Field Station as well as an analysis of the debate about its use for Keck Graduate Institute for Applied Life Sciences. Researcher at Environment and Resources Division at U.S. Department of Justice Denver office.
Cara Hirsch “Popularizing Science: Science on Television and the Internet.” Comparison of science programming on conventional television and interactive science programs on the Internet. Worked at Internet-Television Company, Spacewatch, now does free lance media production.
Robyn Kessel “Do Teachers Really Like Apples? A study of Internet Technology in American Public Education.” Comparison of internet technology in the public schools in the cities of AV and Claremont in order to draw conclusions about the funding and use of internet technology in school districts of widely differing socio-economic groups.  
Marie Miles “Room for Operating: Resisting the Loss of Women's Reproductive Health Services in mergers between Catholic and Secular Hospitals.” Examination of the growing phenomenon of Catholic hospitals merging with secular hospitals. Attended medical school at UCLA
Julia Stone “Wastewater Treatment on the U.S./Mexico Border: Two Approaches.” A look at different types of wastewater treatment on the border, focusing especially on Eco-Parque, a low-cost wastewater treatment facility near Tijuana. Teaching at a private school


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Pamela Bennett “The Science of Volcanic Forecasting: Its Affects on Humanity.”  
Evan Blumberg Thesis on politics of broadcasting and the Internet and their implications for the diversity of political discourse.  
Kate Grande Thesis on the topic of beauty and cosmetic surgery. Won a President's Prize in Women's Studies at AV.  
Janet Grayson “Organic Agriculture: The Environmental, Economic, and Regulatory Aspects of a Growing Industry.”  
Chris Marin “Silicon Genesis.” A study of the technical, philosophical, social and business aspects of virtual reality. Received M.S. from UC Berkeley's information management and systems program, now works in digital industry in Southern California.
Dianne Peacock “Information Technology: A gendered Perspective.” Graduated with Masters of Science, Information Systems from Claremont Graduate University in 2000. Worked for 4 months consulting for Robert Half Management Resources and works as Director of Accounting and Information Systems at CinemaStar Luxury Theaters
Maria Quintero “Science Shops in Los Angeles.” An exploration of the linkages between scientific researchers and community groups. Attended University of Santa Clara School of Law with plans for a career in public interest law
Rory Van Loo “Internet Education in the Third World.” A study of six case studies of Internet-based educational programs. Received a Watson Fellowship to continue his research on this topic in the field and then started a nonprofit on education and digital technology in Brazil.


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Jaime Butler   Attended University of Washington Medical School
Berm Lee   Interaction Designer in Silicon Valley, mediating technical and marketing teams in applications development projects.
Jonathan Hirsch   Received teaching credential in Social Studies from Dominican University and is currently teaching biology at Saint Ignatius College Prep in San Francisco
Nathan Atkinson    
Sarah Haller    
Justin Bick-Forrester    
Adam Tarnoff   Worked developing educational materials for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, then as a research associate at Northwestern University. Pursued graduate degree in the Northwestern University School of Education and Social Policy


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Alexis Beard “Using the Geosciences as a Vehicle for Science Literacy.” Received a Rockefeller Fellowship and full-funding from the University of Puget Sound to complete a Masters in Education. Pursued career in elementary/junior high teaching.
Corrina Burnley “Making Recycling Economically Viable.” Working as the Director of Contracts administration at Dancing Cat Productions, Inc., a music production company owned by pianist George Winston
Ali Hangan “Technology, World Economy and the Changes at the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.” Teaches mathematics and is a political activist in AV and the Inland Valleys.
Nikita Morozoff “Complementary Medicine: A Study of the Compatibility of Western and East Asian Medical Systems.”  
John Sinnott “Keeping Pace With the Times: Can Current Laws Survive in the On-Line World?” Works in the computer industry in San Diego
Alan Vajda “The Disappearance of the Naturalist from Biological Research.” Assistant Professor of Integrative Biology,


University of Colorado, Denver


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Matthew Eastling    
Kim Uhl “Beyond the Stigma of Ru486.” Planned to work on a psychological research project in Ireland the summer after graduating.


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Jim Frinier “The Demise of the Office of Technology Assessment and the Future for U.S. Science Policy.” Accepted a position as an applications engineer with LAN Systems in Culver City
Ryan Olson Broadcast Interactivity: The Rise of the Internet Taught English in Japan, then worked as Director of Engineering at a digital marketing agency
Jodi Frost    
Amit Ronen   Received Master Degree in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, then worked as energy and environmental policy advisor to Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Molly Hammar Lloyd   Currently working as a software usability engineer
Genia Schenke Cordes    
Sidney Wingate Lamb    
Jessica Kluetmeier    
Arianne Groth   Attended Harvard summer program in architecture, then a graduate program at Yale University. Currently working as an architect
  Theses for the year 1993-1994: “The Conventions of Generation: An Inquiry Concerning the Role of Human Agency in the Acquisition of Scientific Understanding,” “Genie's Lamp versus Pandora's Box,” “Los Angeles and the Metro Blue Line,” “Multidisciplinary Chronic Pain Management: A Return to Holistic Medicine,” “The Origin of the Scientific Paper in the Journals of the Seventeenth Century Scientific Societies,” and “The Plutonium Policies of the United States and Japan: Complements for the Future?”  


Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Kimberley Hummel “The Transfer of Contraceptive Technologies: The Case of Depo-Provera in the Maua Community in Kenya.” Pursued Master's in Public Health at UC Berkeley
Jennifer Lorelei Brown (STS and Public Policy Analysis Major) “The Public in Technological Decision-Making: A Case in Water Reclamation.” A study of water reclamation in Southern California.” Science librarian in Washington, DC area.
Jodi Sherman “Perestroika in the Age of Information. An exploration of the “information revolution” in the former Soviet Union.”  

1991 - 1992

Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Roy Kim   Attended Albert Einstein Medical School in New York
Alex Morales   Has a career as high school mathematics teacher
Julia Pickerel   Phi Beta Kappa
Adam Rodgers   Attended Science Journalism at Boston University. Has been a science writer for Newsweek

1990 - 1991

Name Thesis Title Post-Graduation
Gretchen Sigler Shanofsky    
James Lin   Ophthalmologist