"An Exploration of the Network Installation and Recovery Problem with Blackstart Nodes," Kayla S. Cummings ’18, Janie Neal ’19), Andi Chen’18, and Tzu-Yi Chen. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications. Cambridge, England, December 2018.
"Faculty careers at liberal arts colleges," Janet Davis, Jeannie Albrecht, Christine Alvarado, Tzu-Yi Chen, Amy Csizmar Dalal, and Sohie Lee. ACM XRDS, 21(3). Spring 2015.
"A new augmentation based algorithm for extracting maximal chordal subgraphs," Sanjukta Bhowmick, Tzu-Yi Chen, and Mahantesh Halappanavar. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 76: 132-144. February 2015.
"Optimizing leader proportion and behavior for evacuating buildings," Paul McCormack (ÑÇÖÞAV '12) and Tzu-Yi Chen. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Agent-Directed Simulation (ADS '14), part of SpringSim 2014. Tampa, FL, April 2014.
"Evaluating the stability of communities found by clustering algorithms," Tzu-Yi Chen and Evan Fields (ÑÇÖÞAV '13). In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet '13). Berlin, Germany, March 2013.
"On the design of advanced filters for biological networks using graph theoretic properties," Kathryn Dempsey, Tzu-Yi Chen, Sanjukta Bhowmick, and Hesham Ali. In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on BioInformation and BioMedicine (BIBM 2012). Philadelphia, PA, October 2012.
"Leveraging existing outreach programs to reach underrepresented minorities," Maribel Gonzalez (ÑÇÖÞAV '10), Lucy Vasserman (ÑÇÖÞAV ’10), Sara Owsley Sood, and Tzu-Yi Chen. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 26(4): 190-196. April 2011.
"Commonsense understanding of concurrency: computing students and concert tickets," Gary Lewandowski, Dennis Bouvier, Tzu-Yi Chen, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders, Beth Simon, and Tammy VanDeGrift. Communications of the ACM, 53(7): 60-70, July 2010.
"Metrics for ranking the performance of supercomputers," Tzu-Yi Chen, Meghan Gunn (University of San Diego '09), Beth Simon, Laura Carrington, and Allan Snavely. Cyberinfrastructure Technology Watch, 2(4B): 59-67, November 2006.
"Balancing sparse matrices for computing eigenvalues," Tzu-Yi Chen and James Demmel. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 309: 261-287, April 2000.
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award, 2019
ÑÇÖÞAV, Wig Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2017
National Science Foundation CAREER Grant, "Preconditioning Large, Sparse Linear Systems: Theory and Practice," 2005-2011
National Science Foundation CCLI-Phase I (Exploratory) Grant, "Collaborative Research: Commonsense Computing: What Students Know Before We Teach ," 2008-2011