With K. Freund and M. Fuxjager, "Understanding patterns of variation in avian life history traits: Comparisons of temperate & tropical house wrens", Integr.Comp. Bio. , 44(6), 591, 2004.
With S.M. Correa, M.C. Will and S.C. Jang, "Effects of Latitude and Altitude on House Wren Reproductive Biology," Integr. Comp. Bio. 42: 1255-1256, 2002
With T.I. Paris and J.K. Bester, "Social Versus Innate Influences on the Development of Sex-Specific Song in a Tropical Duetting Wren," American Zoologist 36(5): 92A, 1996
"Song Behavior and Reproductive Strategies in a Duetting Wren, Thryothorus nigricapillus: I. Removal Studies," Animal Behavior 52: 1093-1106, 1996
"Song Behavior and Reproductive Strategies in a Duetting Wren, Thryothorus nigricapillus: II. Playback Studies," Animal Behavior, 52: 1107-1117, 1996
With J.C. Wingfield, "Hormonal Control of Reproductive Behavior: A Reevaluation Based on Tropical Birds," Journal of Ornithology 135: 378, 1994
With J.C. Wingfield, "The Hormonal Control of Territorial Aggression in Tropical Birds," Ornis Scan, 23(2), 284-291, 1992
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
National Science Foundation, REU Grant, 1993-2003
ÑÇÖÞAV, Wig Distinguished Professorship Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1994
Hirsch Research Initiation Grant , 1998 - present
National Science Foundation, Young Investigator Award, 1992 -1998
John T. Emlen Lecturer in Animal Behavior, 1992
National Science Foundation, RUI Grant, 1993 -1996