Charles J. Taylor

Professor of Chemistry; Chair of Chemistry
With 亚洲AV Since: 2002
  • Expertise


    Analytical chemist Chuck Taylor employs an array of instrumental techniques to explore the relationships between various microorganisms and the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) they produce.

    "Long before modern medical diagnostic methods were developed, physicians used their sense of smell to help diagnose illness." says Taylor "Today, instrumental methods can be used to separate, identify and quantify the components in a mixture of VOCs. In cases where a specific compound or mixture is characteristic of the presence of a certain pathogen, being able to determine the relative amounts of these compounds in the mixture can ultimately help in the development of new, rapid diagnostic methods."

    As both a research chemist and a professor of chemistry, Taylor is particularly interested in providing undergraduate students with practical experience in applying analytical chemistry to studying a host of different systems. These range from biological problems such as: developing rapid medical diagnostics, chemotaxis in nematodes and how yeast strain selection influences flavor compounds in wine fermentation. Students interested in more environmental questions are studying how trace element profiles in coffee beans can be used to determine their origins.

    Students working in Taylor鈥檚 group can expect to use a wide variety of specialized analytical instrumentation and multivariate data analysis to address these problems.

    Research Interests

    Developing new materials

    Areas of Expertise


    • Analytical Chemistry
    • Electron Microscopy
    • Microhotplate Arrays
    • Environmental Monitoring
  • Work


    With K.J. Park ('12), C. Wu ('14), A.R. Mercer-Smith ('15), R.A. Dodson ('15), T.L. Moersch, P. Koonath, A.C.R. Pipino, H-W. Lu, Y. Yang, V.S. Sapirstein, and A. Niemz, 鈥淩aman system for sensitive and selective identification of volatile organic compounds鈥, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 220, 491-499, 2015.

    With J.A. Beardslee ('08), A.K. Mebust ('08), A.S. Chaimowitz ('10), C.R. Davis-VanAtta ('10), H. Leonard ('12), T.L. Moersch, and M.Y. Afridi, 鈥淯sing Chemical Vapor Deposition Precursor Chemistry to Template Vanadium Oxide for Chemical Sensing鈥, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 16, 206-210, 2010.

    With A.V. Shevade, M. L. Homer, H. Zhou, A. D. Jewell, K. Manatt, and A.K. Kisor, S-P. S Yen and M. A. Ryan, 鈥淐orrelating Polymer-Carbon Composite Sensor Response with Molecular Descriptors鈥, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 153, H209-H216, 2006.

    With A.V. Shevade, M. A. Ryan, M. L. Homer, A. D. Jewell, H. Zhou, K. Manatt, and A.K. Kisor, and A.M. Manfreda, 鈥淒eveloping Sensor Activity Relationships for the JPL Electronic Nose Sensors Using Molecular Modeling and QSAR Techniques鈥, IEEE Sensors 2005, 250-253, 2005.

    With D.C. Meier, R.E. Cavicchi, S. Semancik, E. White V, M.E. Ellzy and K.B. Sumpter, 鈥淐hemical Warfare Agent Detection Using MEMS-Compatible Microsensor Arrays鈥, IEEE Sensors Journal, 5(4), 712-715, 2005.

    C.J. Taylor, R.E. Cavicchi, C.B. Montgomery and S.M. Turner, 鈥淢icroarray Approach for Optimizing Localized Deposition of Carbon Nanotubes Using Microhotplate Arrays鈥, Nanotechnology, 15, 62-65, 2004.

    With R.E. Cavicchi, S. Semancik, and F. DiMeo Jr., 鈥淯se of Microhotplates in the Controlled Growth and Characterization of Metal Oxides for Chemical Sensing鈥, Journal of Electroceramics, 9, 155-164, 2002.

    With M.Y. Afridi, J.S. Suehle, M.E. Zaghoul, D.W. Berning, A.R. Hefner, R.E. Cavicchi, S. Semancik, and C.B. Montgomery, 鈥淎 Monolithic CMOS Microhotplate-Based Gas Sensor System鈥, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2, 664-655, 2002

    C.J. Taylor and S. Semancik, 鈥淭he Use of Microhotplate Arrays as Microdeposition Substrates for Materials Exploration鈥, Chemistry of Materials, 14, 1671-1677, 2002.

    With S.A. Campbell, B. He, R.C. Smith, T. Ma, N. Hoilen, and W.L. Gladfelter, 鈥淕roup IVB Metal Oxides High Permittivity Gate Insulators Deposited from Anhydrous Metal Nitrates鈥, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 48, 2348-2356, 2001.

  • Education


    University of Minnesota

    Bachelor of Arts
    Macalester College

    Recent Courses Taught

    • Advanced Analytical Chemistry
    • Environmental Chemistry
    • General Chemistry with Lab
  • Awards & Honors

    Awards & Honors

    NASA Board Award for work on the use of Copolymers for Sensors and related non-provisional US patent, 2013

    NASA Board Award for work on Detection of Sulfur Dioxide Using Polymer-Carbon Composite Films, 2012

    Provisional U.S. Patent #60/861-617 鈥淪ystem for Detecting and Estimating Concentrations of Gas or Liquid Analytes,鈥 2007

    NASA Board Award for work on Second Generation Electronic Nose, 2007

    NASA Tech Brief Award for Palladium Chloride Sensing Materials for Mercury Detection, 2007

    NASA Tech Brief Award for Special Polymer/Carbon Composite Films for Detecting SO2, 2007

    NASA Tech Brief Award for work on Second Generation Electronic Nose, 2007